FSA vs ROF/COA - 800 points

Other Dystopian Wars games here (in French).

I was playing FSA. My two friends were playing a ROF-COA alliance.


ROF/COA alliance, from left to right on above picture (click to enlarge):

  • 3 Dieppe cruiser with agressive crew 240 points
  • Magenta MkI with Cloud Generator 175 points
  • 5 fighter SAW
  • 5 torpedo drones
  • Diophantus assault cruiser with drone launcher (9) 220 points
  • 4 torpedo drones
  • 3 Requin corvettes 60 points
  • 5 fighter SAW
  • 5 Thales corvettes 100 points

FSA, from left to right on above picture:

  • 3 Georgetown cruiser with shield 215 points
  • 5 fighter SAW
  • Liberty heavy battleship with shield 235 points
  • Independance battleship with shield 190 points
  • 5 fighter SAW
  • 4 Augusta frigates 120 points


ROF/COA won the strategic advantage.

Field orders

Both camps drew the Vital assets destruction Field Order (sink all large/massive models) card and chose to replace it by the Free to engage Field Order.

Turn 1: a cautious start

Summary: as both fleet moved caustiously forward, keeping their small or medium models away from large enemy ships, no HP was lost during the first turn.

Activation order: ROF played a Lost Order TAC card / ROF fighter SAS / FSA Augusta / FSA Independance failed to damage Diophantus / ROF-COA torpedo drones / FSA Liberty scored 9 hits but failed to damage Diophantus / ROF-COA torpedo drones / FSA Georgetown / ROF Magenta failed to damage Georgetown / ROF Dieppe / ROF Requin / ROF-COA Thales / ROF-COA Diophantus failed to damage Georgetown / ROF fighter SAS


Victory points: ROF 0 - FSA 20

Turn 2: the powerful American heavy battleship turns to face its foes and shows its strength by sinking a French cruiser with a single shot; but a few minutes later its weapons are severely (and definitively) damaged by the French battleship

Summary: the Independance battleship and the Dieppe cruisers failed pityfully their shots. The Liberty heavy battleship sank one Dieppe cruiser but was badly hurt (4HP lost) by shots from COA torpedo drones and Magenta Battleship. Moreover, the Liberty got a Weapons damage critical effect that could not be repaired at the end of the turn (despite the commodore's reroll).

Activation order: FSA Georgetown damaged Dieppe (1HP) / ROF Dieppe failed to damage Georgetown (only 4 hits with 14 dice) / FSA Liberty sank the damaged Dieppe thanks to two successful punishing gunnery shots (2 x 3HP) / ROF-COA torpedo drones scored a critical hit on Liberty (navigational lock) / FSA fighter SAS destroyed torpedo drones / ROF Magenta scored 18 hits on Liberty with 15 dice (Weapons damage) / FSA Independance scored 5 hits on Diophantus with 13 dice / ROF fighter SAS destroyed American fighter SAS / ROF-COA Diophantus launched new drones, damaged Augusta (1HP) but its particle accelerator failed to damage Liberty / ROF-COA Thales failed to damage Liberty / all other models


Victory points: ROF 0 - FSA 100

Turn 3: as the second wave of drones is about to fall down on the American fleet, the Liberty heavy battleship tries to board the Diophantus in a desperate move, but fails pityfully and is prized

Summary: one Georgetown cruiser was sunk by focused shots from Diophantus assault cruiser, Dieppe cruisers and Magenta battleship. The Diophantus assault cruiser was only lightly damaged by shots from the American fleet. The Liberty Heavy Battleship tried to board the Diophantus. The latter had only 4 AA left for its anti-boarding fire but the COA player rolled four "six", instantaneously destroying all American hopes.

Activation order: FSA Battlefield repair TAC was cancelled by an Espionage TAC / ROF-COA Diophantus sank one Augusta (torpedoes, 8 hits), damaged one Georgetown (broadsides, 1HP) and caused a critical hit on Independence (PA, 14 hits with 12 “5-6” dice!) / FSA Georgetown sank one Thales and damaged the Diophantus (1HP) / ROF-COA Thales failed to damage Independence (only 4 hits with 13 AD!) / FSA Independence damaged Diophantus (1HP) / ROF Dieppe caused critical hit on Georgetown / FSA Augusta failed to damage Diophantus / ROF Magenta sank damaged Georgetown (9 hits) / FSA Liberty failed to board Diophantus (9 AP killed on the American side, only 1 on the COA side) / ROF Requin prized Liberty


Victory points: ROF 575 / FSA 185

ROF-COA alliance won

Conclusions and learning points

  • boarding the Diophantus assault cruiser with my Liberty Heavy battleship was obviously very risky. But I could not see any other way of winning this game at that time, as my heavy battleship was about to be destroyed by the second wave of torpedo drones.
  • As I wanted to stop the drone spam, I fired a lot at the COA assault cruiser (6 shots) but the latter lost only 2HP; the Diophantus (wave lurking, CR11, shield 2, inventive scientist) is very difficult to damage. After the game, I figured out that you need an average of 21 AD to get a critical hit when it is wave-lurking. This model is a beast!
  • I was also impressed by the French Magenta battleship. It throws 15 AD at RB3 and has a very good defense (cloud generator). Its performance in this game was better than my Liberty's performance, although the Magenta is 60 points cheaper!

Other Dystopian Wars games here (in French).